Find your ENERGY STAR Facility

This website contains a current listing of ENERGY STAR certified buildings and facilities as published by U.S. EPA. There are currently over 14,000 such buildings for which you can obtain products from this website. To find your facility, please enter the details below to filter and locate your facility. This page only displays the first 50 matches and will continue to narrow the results as you provide additional information.

When you see your facility in the list below, click on it to see the products available for your ENERGY STAR certification.


Enter any information about your ENERGY STAR facility in the form above.
Start by selecting the State where the facility is located.
The results will appear here and will narrow as you enter more information.





Pursuant to contract number EP-W-13-003, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has authorized Medalcraft to produce and distribute the ENERGY STAR recognition items found on this site. EPA owns all exclusive rights to the specifications and design layouts of the ENERGY STAR plaques, decals, flags, and banners, which contain registered trademarks of the U.S. EPA. At this time, Medalcraft is the only authorized vendor for producing and distributing ENERGY STAR recognition items. If you have any questions or concerns about the products sold on this site, please visit

Buildings and Plants recognition items are only available for ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants. To verify certification, you must enter the name and ID number for an ENERGY STAR certified building or plant prior to placing an order. New Homes products are only available to ENERGY STAR Homes partners. Purchasers must provide their company name at checkout.